Lower Left in Midland, TX
Thursday, July 30, 2015
Time TBA
Teen Dance Class at: Hispanic Cultural Center.
1311 East Wadley, Midland, Texas
Free and open to the community
For more information contact:
Edward McPherson (432) 230-0256
This summer in collaboration with the Midland County Public Library, Lower Left performed at Kamiposi Gallery and Museum of the Southwest/Midland Farmer’s Market and host a teen outreach program at the Hispanic Cultural Center in Midland, TX. In addition to their public events in Midland, the dancers of Lower Left hosted a lecture and demonstration with seniors at Palo Park Independent Senior Living Center that is closed to the public on Thursday, July 30.
Secondary Surface Rendered juxtaposes the human form with materials traditionally used in the visual arts, blurring the boundaries between dance and static art forms. Moving away from the constraints of the standard proscenium setting, Lower Left will invite the audience members to curate and participate in its own experience as they follow the action of the performers in the installations at the Kamposi Gallery and Midland Farmer’s Market at the Museum of the Southwest
After their time in Midland, Lower Left will come to Marfa for a two-week residency and two performances of Secondary Surface Rendered at the Crowley Theater in Marfa, TX.
Lower Left is dedicated to the spontaneous combustion inherent in the collaborative process, choosing to rely on the combined artistic vitality of its artists rather than the hierarchy of the traditional dance company. Following this collective model, both artistic and organizational aspects are centered around an openness and spontaneity that have become Lower Left’s trademark.
This project is generously supported by the Permian Basin Area Foundation, Midland County Public Library, Midland County Public Library Foundation,
Museum of the Southwest, Midland Farmer’s Market, ArtPush, and Marfa Live Arts supporters. Special thanks to Midland County Public Library Program and Education Coordinator Edward McPherson.
Members of Lower Left visited with Texas Arts+Culture editor in chief Nancy Wozny about the Marfa shows.
Videos by Susan Simmons
Friday, July 31, 2015
Secondary Surface Rendered
Kamiposi Gallery
510 S Big Spring St, Midland, Texas
Tickets: $10 (cash or check at the door)
For more information contact:
Edward McPherson (432) 230-0256
Saturday, August 1, 2015
10:30 – 12:30pm
Performance of Lower Left Performance Collective Repertory
Midland Farmer’s Market at Museum of the Southwest
1705 W Missouri Ave, Midland, TX
Free and open to the community