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L to R: Asael Zubia, Abelardo Marquez, Mateo Meza, Gael Chavira, Alberto Salgado, Lily Aguero, Aubrey Tarr, Itzel Urritia, Dariela Munoz, Giselle Torres

Photo by: Tina Rivera


The students who received prizes and had their pieces performed:

Abelardo Marquez (The Story of Ice Cream)

 Alberto Salgado (I Am The Sun)

Lily Aguero (When I Was Three)

 Aubrey Tarr (Never Enough)

 Gael Chavira (Without the Stain of the World)

Giselle Torres (Cupcake)

 Itzel Jaime (Magic Squirrel)

 Dariela Munoz (Dear Old Me)

 Asael Zubia (If You Believe)

and MateoMeza (Fallen Into the Dirt).

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Marfa Live Arts in collaboration with Marfa Independent School District presents


Friday, December 9th, 7pm (doors 5pm)

Planet Marfa



Community actors at the Winter Theater Showcase performed award-winning monologues from Marfa Live Arts’ Monologue & Scene workshop held at Marfa Junior High. Everyone was invited to recognize these outstanding students and to see their words brought to life on Friday, Februarty 2nd, 5pm at Planet Marfa. 




The Monologue/Scene workshop teaches students how to write key components of a play in preparation for the high school playwriting workshop that is taught by Marfa Live Arts each spring.





Marfa Live Arts

PO Box 1365

Marfa, TX 79843

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Marfa Live Arts engages a diverse community through the performing arts, arts education, film, music, and other cultural arts programs. Marfa Live Arts celebrates the cultural riches of the people of the Big Bend and enhances the area tourist appeal through sophisticated programming featuring the talents of the region's own professional performers, dedicated amateurs, and international artists.

Marfa Live Arts is a 501(c)3 Organization.
© 2018 by Marfa Live Arts. 
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