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A staged reading of a play written and directed by Georgina Escobar

Performed by Mindy Leanse with support from Marfa actors

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

7pm (doors at 6.30)

Crowley Theater



Marfa Live Arts’ 2017 playwright-in-residence Georgina Escobar presented her new play BEACONS on Wednesday, April 19, 2017, at the Crowley Theater. The show was performed by Mindy Leanse with support by actors from the community.


BEACONS is a satirical work envisioning a fictitious dystopian society with “Divisible and Justice for Some.” After an ignorant, thick-lipped, evil clan of males take over the country, America has lost a Civil War. Puritanical Fascism rules the land. The divide affects women, too. In New York City, they have broken up into many clans—and they have been fighting everyone, including one another, for years… until now.


Her residency in Marfa will be a homecoming of sorts. Currently living in New York City, Escobar has roots in West Texas growing up in Ciudad Juarez, Chihuahua, Mexico. Her life in theater began as an actor but she transitioned to playwriting out of a desire to “tell bigger stories” and went on to get her MFA in dramatic writing from the University of New Mexico in Albuquerque. She describes her style as more Ibsen than Chekov and takes inspiration from Tony Kushner, Paula Vogel and Sara Ruhl to create other worlds.


“Stories that are boiled in a place of conflict always or tension always inform the way artists from those regions write, speak, think and paint,” Escobar told ArtsATL in a recent interview. “I tend to write stories that are a bit askew where we are walking not on this ground.”


She goes on to say this about her work, “I really want to plant a seed of understanding and wanting to explore American mythology. We depend on our Greeks and ancient history to justify a lot of our adaptations. I want the literati to start thinking about American myths. And, for the younger audience members, I want youth to feel a sense of empowerment. Yes, humanity has made mistakes. We are impermanent, imperfect and incomplete, yet life is about living it. No outside forces can really be the one that is in charge of bringing you down. The secret to our evolution is remembering that living is a gift.”


During her time in Marfa Escobar will also teach Marfa Live Arts’ 6th Annual Playwriting Workshop with Marfa High School students April 17-21, 2017. Her work with Marfa Live Arts in collaboration with Marfa Independent School District is the primary reason Escobar will be in Marfa. He will work one-on-one with students in their English classes helping them write their own plays. Working with the schools, Marfa students will be invited giving students from the workshop an opportunity to see a professional production while working on their own plays. Plays written by Marfa students during the workshop will be performed during the 6th Annual One-Act Plays a free public performance by area actors and staged at the Crowley Theater on Tuesday, May 2, 2017.


On April 18, listen to Marfa Public Radio for a West Texas Talk interview with playwright Georgina Escoba and actor Mindy Leanse. Tune in live at 6:30pm (CST) at 93.5FM or streaming online.

She will also lecture at University of Texas at El Paso and will lead a higher education workshop with undergraduate students.


Photo by Emma Rogers

Photo by Emma Rogers

Photo by Emma Rogers

Photo by Emma Rogers

Photo by Emma Rogers

Photo by Emma Rogers

Photo by Emma Rogers

Photo by Emma Rogers

Photo by Emma Rogers

Photo by Emma Rogers

Photo by Emma Rogers

Photo by Emma Rogers

Photo by Emma Rogers

Photo by Emma Rogers


  • Escobar writes a play for NYC flagship reading during Future is Female Fest on March 3rd covered by Broadway World.

  • Interview with Escobar for On ARTS ATLANTA about her 2017 play SWEEP.


Georgina Escobar is the maker of ridiculous, and sometimes impossible narratives, that run current systems of thinking through different filters of visual, musical, and interpretative logic.  Through illustration, playing, painting, and music she finds the words for the creation of worlds that seek to empower women, youth, and the positive evolution of the human spirit. Her writing takes you through speculative evolution biblical comedies, to the reimagined frontiers of sci-fi feminism, and into huge, hyper-realistic, modern playgrounds for the stage. Georgina is originally from Juarez, Mexico and currently resides in New York City.


Mindy Leanse is an NYC based actor and puppeteer. Graduate of the American Academy of Dramatic Arts and participant at the Eugene O'Neill Theatre Center's National Puppetry Conference, Leanse collaborates with multiple companies around NYC. Some credits include: "The Very Hungry Caterpillar Show" off Broadway and UK tour, "Puppet Titus Andronicus" (Puppet Shakespeare Players), "The Unbearable Likeness of Jones" (Dixon Place, NYC), Labworks at the New Victory Theatre with Puppet Kitchen and ongoing work as cofounder of One Blue Cat. She is a company member of the Wildlife Theatre bringing animal and environment education shows to kids all around NYC's five boroughs.


Marfa Live Arts’ presentation of BEACONS is generously supported by the Carl B. & Florence E. King Foundation, Kirkpatrick Family Foundation, Marfa Education Foundation, City of Marfa, and 2017 Season Sponsors. In-kind support provided by Michael McGuire, Big Bend Coffee Roasters, and Marfa Brands. Special thanks to Marfa Independent School District, Big Bend Sentinel, Tim Crowley & Peggy O’Brien of Crowley Theater, Rob Crowley, Mayor Dan Dunlap, Minerva Lopez, Yvonne Beltran of Salsa Puedes, Marfa Public Radio, Robert Saltonstall, Dan Shiman, and Cory Van Dyke. Graphic design by Yoseff Ben-Yehuda. Event photography by Emma Rogers.

Home page image of Georgina Escobar photo by Russell J Young©.

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